
Car Jokes

What's the difference between a cop car and a hedgehog?

With a cop car all the pricks are on the inside.

(Thanks to lostin Flowers cause this one is fucking funny)

My nan broke her toe by a brick today, last time she broke her toe because she kicked her car tire . Does that now mean I have to toe her back to the doctors.

A man got pulled over and the policeman had stepped out and said do you know how fast you were going and the man said I was trying to catch up with the traffic and the officer said there is no traffic the man said exactly that’s how far behind I am

1 2 3 4 5. I'm old enough to drive, for now I'm still alive, till I crash in that beehive!

*gets hit by a car*

Passerby: "ARE YOU OKAY?"

Me: "Please...I need"

*opens twitter*