Yo mama's so fat that jane goodall couldn't tell if she was a chimpanzee or a human being
Yo mama is so fat that when I was printing a picture of her last year it's still printing
Yo mama is so stupid that she studied for a covid test
Your mama so fat when she asked for a water bed they put a blanket over the pactfic ocean
you are so fat bob the builder sad i cant fix it LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
New Teacher: I was an orphan as a kid.
Students: sad
Teacher: anyway Is anyone missing.
Students: Your Parents
why dose africa have no phrmacys because you cant have medicsin on a emtay stomuch
what do rubics cube and mellons have in common they have a history of seprateing colors
Twinkle Twinkle there’s a car Coming like a shooting star. I will stand in the way I will not be seen again Are you happy I am dead Now you made it to the end
guess the joke
your girlfriend
roses or red voilets are blue the childern are fast but elmo is faster bow down to your master
my great grandpa killed hitler
my dad died in 9-11 he was the best piolt
Dark humor is like life not every one gets it
you are like my girlfriend imagnery and non-exstince
why do Orphans love chips
because every bag of chips are family size