
Registered on · 2 followers · Last active 2 years ago

Son: Dad, I want to go to the movies!

Dad: Sure, go wait in the car. I'll be there in a few.

Son: Alright, Dad. *sits down inside the car*

Dad: Alright, off we go!

Son: Dad, look, there is a homeless person asking for help. Should we help them?

Dad: No, son, we can't right now because I only brought money for us, and, by the way, she is one of my ex's and wow, she can't even survive without me.

Son: *Rolls down window* Hey lady!

Lady: Yes?

Son: What do you need help with?

Lady: Hiding, because someone is chasing me. Will you help me?!

Son and Dad: Okay? Get in.

Lady: Thank you very much!

Dad: *Thinks* where do we take her now?

Son: Where do you want us to take you, or do you have somewhere specific where you want to go?

Lady: I need to get to any airport because I need to hide somewhere else in the U.S.

Dad: Alright, we can do that.

*All of them get to the airport safely*

Lady: Thank you so much!!!

Dad and Son: You are welcome!

Son: Now can we go to the movies?

Dad: Wait, I see men that are running in all black clothes and they look like they are looking for someone.

Son: Am worried we should get out of here before they find out we help the lady!.

Dad: Your're right lets go, and we wont be able to go to the movies today because they might be asking everyone around here about her.

Son: Ok dad lets go home.

*They both get home safely*

Dad: Ok if you here anyone talking make sure to look out the window to see who it is.

Son: Ok Dad.

*2 hours later knocking can be heard*


Dad: Calm down don't act up or so something suspicious.

FBI: Hello Sir, how are you this evening?

Dad: Am doing great officers.

FBI: we are just asking one question to everyone in this city, which is have you seen this lady anywhere around here? *Shows a Picture of the lady they were helping*

Dad: No sorry officer I haven't seen the person you are looking for. Am sorry i can't help out.

FBI: That's Alright. Thank you for corroborating with us.

Dad: Your welcome Sir.

FBI: Y'all have a great evening.

Dad: You too.

*The FBI Agent leave their neighborhood*

Son: Phew*. That was close

Dad: Yea that was.

Son: Um Dad...

Dad: Yes son?

Son: There is someone outside looking though the window...


Dad: Its the FBI Agent he has come back!!!

Son: Ill go get the keys to turn on the truck!

Dad: Be careful ill go get supplies and get weapons!

Son: AHHHH DAD HELP! *Muffled Screaming*


*To be continued*

I took my son to a driver's school and am surprised because he got his license but soon lost the privilege to drive a car because he ran over my ex on "accident."

(I gotta go pay him out of jail!)

I was hunting at night for deer, and then I found one and shot it. I realized the deer I shot was actually my ex...