Mama Mia's pizzeria and abortion clinic. Your loss is our sauce.
Yo mama's so ugly, she threw a boomerang and it refused to come back.
Well, I'm off to the orphanage to tell "yo mama" jokes.
Yo mama so fat, when she walked by the TV, I missed three episodes.
Yo' mama's cooking is so bad, your family prays after they eat.
Yo Mama's so fat... whilst she was walking the streets of London, she accidentally bumped into someone, and that someone yelled, "Stupid American!"
A black boy walks into the kitchen where his mother is baking and accidentally pulls the flour over onto his head. He turns to his mother and says, “Look Mama, I’m a white boy!” His mother smacks him and says, “Go tell your Daddy what you just said!” The boy finds his father and says, “Look Daddy, I’m a white boy!” His Daddy bends him over, spanks him, stands the boy back up, and says, “Now, what do you have to say for yourself?” The boy replies, “I’ve only been a white boy for five minutes and I already hate you black people!”
Yo mama is so fat, it took Nationwide 15 years to get on her side.
Your mama is so fat that when she wears yellow, kids run after her thinking they missed the school bus.
Yo mama is so ugly, she walked into a haunted house and walked out with a job application.
Yo mama so fat when she stepped on the scale it said, "To be continued."
Yo mama so fat, she got baptized at SeaWorld.
Yo mama so dumb, she got hit by a cup and told the police she got mugged.
Yo' mama so stupid, she returned a donut because it had a hole in it.
Yo mama so fat, she blocked my internet connection.
Your mama so fat, when she asked for a water bed they put a blanket over the Pacific Ocean.
Yo mama so fat she sat on an iPhone and turned it into an iPad.
Yo mama so stupid she threw a Mother's Day party at an orphanage.
Yo' mama is so fat, her cereal bowl comes with a lifeguard.
Yo mama so fat, when she sat on Walmart, the prices went down.