Short jokes

Short Jokes

I lost my job at the bank on my very first day. -- A woman asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.

My sister thinks she's so smart. She said, "Onions are the only food that makes you cry." So I threw a coconut at her.

Today, a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool. I gave him a glass of water.

The other day, my wife asked me to pass her lipstick but I accidentally passed her a glue stick. She still isn't talking to me.

I'm not going to bungee jump. I was born because of broken rubber and i'm not gonna die the same way.

Fishing and girlfriends are exactly alike. There may be plenty of fish in the sea, but until I find one, I'm stuck here holding my rod.

If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive, they would eventually find me attractive.

Two men were talking about their wives. The first man says, "My wife is an angel." The second man says, "You're lucky, mine's still alive."