You wanna know proof that cats don't always land on their feet well then watch the lion king
Why does no-one look up at Steven hawking?
You have to look down to see him.
What was the first sport played on the moon ? Capture the flag
why does a leaf fall faster thanan emo kid because the emo hang itself
what falls first from a tree an apple or and emo? the apple.. the emo just hangs there
If you drop an apple and an emo girl who falls first????
The apple becuase the emo girl hung
I have been reading this book about zero gravity I can’t seem to put it down
What hits the ground first the feather or the emo?
The feather because the emo is hung in the tree
What will fall faster an emo or an apple? An apple because the emo would get caught on the rope
What's the difference between an emo kid and an apple, the apple falls from the tree
I wondered as the rock in the sky got bigger and bigger than it hit the bottom o f the earth and "explosion"
If an apple and an emo kid fell out of a tree which would hit the ground first?
the apple, because the rope caught the emo kid
A feather and a depressed boy fell at the same time, which one hits the ground first? The feather cause the rope stopped the child
Why did Jerry fall off the moon?
Because he got hit by a fridge.
What’s the difference between Issac Newton and my Dad? Issac Newton didn’t beat me half to death with a pipe wrench
I’m reading a book about Anti-Gravity. It’s impossible to put down!
What’s the opposite of Stephen Hawking, Stephen walking
What’s the difference between Isaac Newton and the kid I kidnapped? Isaac Newton died a virgin.
what goes up must come down apart from mr vyse