What do slinkies and the handicapped have in common?
They are the most fun when pushed down a flight of stairs.
What do slinkies and the handicapped have in common?
They are the most fun when pushed down a flight of stairs.
Did you know there are black holes billions of years old?
What’s more amazing is the black holes Stephen Hawking studied. We're only 14 years old.
my friend said she wanted to fly, so i pushed her off a building
What’s the opposite of Stephen Hawking? Stephen walking.
Why did the parachute refuse to open?
Because it had a "fatal attraction" to the ground.
I’d tell BlessedBrian to aim for the stars, but it seems like his GRAVITATIONAL PULL is holding him back
Yo mama is so fat that when she walks, she causes earthquakes. She is so big that she has her own zip code and gravity field. She is so heavy that she needs a crane to get out of bed. She is so obese that she can't fit in any clothes, except for a circus tent. She is so large that she blocks the sun and causes eclipses.
You wanna know proof that cats don't always land on their feet? Well then, watch The Lion King.
Yo mama so fat, she went to the moon without leaving Earth.
What did the fat guy say when he fell off the ladder? "Catch me!"
Why did AlexDaEgg fall down the stairs? Because he is fat.