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There’s going to be a wild party at the orphanage tonight. ... The parents aren’t home.

Son: Why is my sister’s name Paris?

Dad: Because we conceived her in Paris.

Son: Thanks, dad.

Dad: No problem Quarantine.

one night a father heard his daugter saying good night good night mom god night dad good night mamah good by papa the next day her papa died he heard her saying them a month later good night mom god night dad good by mamah the next day her mamah died well her dad was scared for his life he knew he was next well his daugter said them again good night mom good by dad the next day the mail man droped dead on their porch.

one night a father heard his daugter saying good night good night mom god night dad good night mamah good by papa the next day her papa died he heard her saying them a month later good night mom god night dad good by mamah the next day her mamah died well her dad was scared for his life he knew he was next well his daugter said them again good night mom good by dad the next day the mail man droped dead on their porch.

I don't see why people say that emo kid doesn't like to hangout I seen them hanging all day.

How many orphans does it take to change a light bulb? Obviously more than three because my basement is still dark.

my doctor gave me one year to live so i shot him the juge gave me 15 problem solved

you know the phrase "one mans trash is another mans treasure"great phrase,Bad way to find out your adopted

A woman visits the doctor as she has some abdominal pains and suspects she may be pregnant. After her examination, the doctor comes out to see her: “Well, I hope you like changing nappies/diapers”.

She replies: “Oh my god am I pregnant, am I pregnant!?”

To which he responds: “No, you’ve got bowel cancer.”

Why does a leaf fall faster than an emo kid? Because the emo hangs itself.