What is the best thing about living in Switzerland? -- Well, the flag is a big plus.
My dad said people shouldn’t get ribbons just for participating because it rewards them for losing.
So I took down his confederate flag.
Isn't it strange that the LGBTQ flag only has straight lines?
The lines on the pride flag look pretty straight to me!
The lines on the pride flag are straighter than me
Meaning behind the German flag: 🇩🇪 Black: culture Red: Beer Yellow: Sausage Blue: Winning world wars.
What's the best thing about Switzerland? The flag is a big plus.
What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
I don’t know, flags big plus.
I was in Portugal enjoying my lunch when I saw a man choking! I wanted to save him, but a local stopped me. “That’s Penandes, he always chokes when it matters most and ghosts in big games.” True enough, Penandes’ Ghost emerged from his body! Poor Penandes, may he get well soon!
All the lines on the LGBT flag are straight.
Me: *gives her 5 dollars* Climb that flag pole. Cute female: *takes the money and goes up the flag pole* Is this good? Me: Hell yeah, that's a nice view.
*Next day* Here's 10 dollars if you do it again. *She goes up there* Me: How's the view? *She goes home and her mom sees the money* Her mom: Where you getting this money? Her daughter: I climbed a flagpole. Her mom: You know he just wants you to see your panties, right? *She goes back and does it again but doesn't wear panties* Me: Holy shit ;-; Her mom: Did you do it again? Her daughter: Don't worry, Mom, he didn't get to see my panties. Her mom:...
your mom
Yo mama's so gay that, after watching Aladdin, she tried to fly on a pride flag!
What was the first sport played on the moon?
Capture the flag.
What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.
What’s a fun game to play during a pride parade?
Capture the flag.
Official flag of Great Britain? The Union Jack.
Official flag of Australia? The Southern Cross.
Official flag of Canada? The Maple Leaf.
Official flag of Japan? The Sun.
Official flag of Orange County, California? The Nazi Symbol.
What do you call a black person with a pride flag? A Cosmic brownie
The flag at NAMBLA headquarters is flying at half mast.
Person 1: “You assume I’m gay because I have rainbow hair, I’m wearing a rainbow shirt, and I have a rainbow pride flag behind me?”
Person 2: “You assume I’m disabled because I have deformed arms and limbs, no legs, and I ride around in a wheelchair?”