An apple and an emo kid fall off a tree at the same time. Who hits the ground first?
The apple, because the emo kid got caught by the rope.
Taking an emo kid grocery shopping does have its perks... You get to scan their wrists for discounts!
I got suspended for asking an emo kid if he wants to hang out with me.
What do you call a group of Emo kids?
Suicide Squad.
What jumps and never let's go?
An Emo kid.
I bet all Emos want to be like their biggest influencers some day.
Why do Emos want to be the "Scene" these days?
The only thing I've "Scene" from them is their suicide rate climbing, it's starting to climb quicker than they did to get to the top of whatever they jumped off.
What's the difference between an emo kid and a pack of Oreos? The bar code on the emo kid gets longer every day.
how do u make a emo kid jump? a bridge.
The emo kid ran away after his parents asked why they took the barcode sticker off the Oreos.
Why couldn't the emo kid hang himself?
After eating through his feelings, the belt wouldn't fit around his neck.
When the school shooter walks by the emo kid and doesn’t feel his gun anymore.