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I don't think my gf likes it when I take my schizophrenia meds because she always goes away when I take them.

Why is parking a car like finding a girlfriend?

All the good ones are taken so you stick it in the disabled one and hope nobody notices


If you are going to make fun of someone make fun of orphans. What are they going to do, tell their parents?

Double whammy. Dark humor is like a kid with cancer it never gets old.

My first high-school football game was a lot like my first time having sex... I was bloody and sore at the end, but at least my dad came.


Kid: dad what is it like to be drunk Dad: you see those 2 trees over there, if you were drunk you would see 4 Kid: dad there is only 1 tree

Head teacher talking about recent vandalism during school assembly:

"And to those of you who wrote Mr. Smith's telephone number on the door of the girl's toilets, he would like to make it clear that the last digit is a 7 and not a 4."

I once heard my dad shout I'm going to be like frozen and let it go then I heard a gunshot


Roast: What is the difference between your girlfriend and a walrus? One is hairy and smells like fish, and the other is a walrus. You're welcome.


guys don’t let nobody hurt you with words like someone once said sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me