I'm from and I can't speak good english, Sorry! Follow me, but you must not! Is that right english? 😅 At I have 77 followers, let's come and overtake! (I'm change my bio, when i get a follower on
When I bring someone breakfast in bed, I want to hear a thank you. And no, “What are you doing in my house?”
Better Friday the 13th than Monday the 13th.
You also have to learn to say no. For example: “Would you like a piece of cake?” - “No, I would like two.”
"You have to be more patient!" "Will it take a long time?"
If the hairdresser is healthy, the cat is happy. *purr*.
On the other hand, if the hairdresser is sick, the cat is happy too. *purrs on the bed*
walk in to a gun store everything was half off I didn't know back to school shopping started