If life was like Pacific Rim, I'd say your mom's pussy was a category 5.
What category of music did JFK like?
You could say he was a metalhead.
When people make accounts about you and a category.
All of the people disliking this category are probably emo.
Why were the 1800s so crazy?
Because of Hairriet Tubman.
I only made so it's the 69th in the hair category.
Wow, my own joke. Category: I problem won’t remember this.
How do you make people mad? You use the wrong category. It makes them go red.
What would be a pet's favorite thing to click on on this website?
Get it?
They didn't have a category for Bald, so I chose the Bald Eagle.
Did you know that bald people have an endless forehead?
Why couldn’t the kitten watch the movie? It had a violent cat-e-gory.
(Wait, forgot about the 3rd third thing.) I have said this countless times, but it doesn't seem to be getting through to you: quit hating on particular jokes. You don't like it? Nobody cares. Don't go into the morbid jokes category, you idiots, ffs!
I'm Alya. I'm a dumb whore who ruins people's fun on this sight made for jokes with categories for orphan jokes, but I like ruining people's fun.
Are people too thick to realize the difference between a fruit, a vegetable, and a person?
This Category is messed up. My Mom died in 9/11 at least she was doing what she loved, flying planes.
Rape, 9/11, abortion, orphan, murder, dead, kill, drugs.
What makes all these categories so familiar? Either you've experienced them, or made them up in your backstory.
why cant orphans sign up for sports? they have to have a parent signature
How to get your joke on every category Michael Jackson,towers, morbid, emo, school, short, penis, sects, little Jonny,
So sad that Stephen Hawking has a whole category on here about him and he can’t stand up for himself
fun fact: this category of jokes is the MOST hated one by feminists. unless you force them the point.
That’s right, I have my own category😎