
Bomb Jokes

We were watching a 9/11 documentary in class. I started playing the angry birds theme song. That didn't fly well with people, the teacher yelled at me like an bomb, and I landed on the ground

‘You the bomb.’ ‘No, you the bomb.’ A compliment in the US, an argument in the Middle East.

where did sally go during the bombing, EVERYWHERE. your mama is so fat, that when she was playing online, SHE CRASHED THE WHOLE SERVER.

Sally jumped out a plane, She forgot her parachute!

Knock knock

Whose there?

Not Sally...

How did she die?

A bomb came down whilst falling through the sky Knock knock

Whose there?

A bomb

why did sally fall off the swing... she had no arms why did joe get hit by a bus... sally was driving it where did sally go during the bombing... everywhere