
Blast Jokes

What did the Hiroshima survivor say about the day Little Boy dropped? "It was a blast!"


I have a friend whose birthday is on September 11th.

They're going to have an explosive party that will definitely blow you away!

It's gonna be the bomb, and a blast, too!

What do you get when the queen farts a noble gas?

What do you get when a dino farts? A blast from the past.

Why are ninja farts so dangerous? They are silent but deadly.

Here's a tip for cow tipping from TheRussianBadger. "So if you see Otis from Barnyard, make sure you blast his ass from a distance."

What's the song that plays at the very end of the movie, Dr. Strangecow, during the montage of nuclear blasts?

"Veal meat again, don't know where, don't know when ..."