
Hit Jokes

Why can’t the anyone sing “hit me with your best shot” at the veterans ball karaoke? : because every time she sang the line “fire away” some one starting shooting!

My girlfriend said to me dear i think you have hit an animal theirs blood and dents all over the bonnet

I said no love, im not waiting for a black lives matter rally

People are fighting in a war and a man gets hit 4 times in the arm and says "Tis a Scratch" And the other guy looking at him in shock says "A Scratch, Your Arm is off you body"

What did the Orphan say when he googled Orphan jokes? I would say these jokes hit home but there is no home to hit.

Is it a bad to hit an orphan? What are they gonna do tell their parents? Well... I mean they could go to church and try to gather that someone hit them.

DId you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a sode can? He was lucky it was a soft drink