
Sex Jokes

The highest praise my wife gave to me was when she told me, “The best feminine attribute on your body as a woman would be your p🍆nis.” 🥰

you masturbate... AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you wont get any squirtle and bulbasaur pets

WOULD YOU RATHER Eat a girl out who has: Herpies, COVID and AIDS out while she is on her period? Or Eat live worms, bats and mice?

WOULD YOU RATHER: Have a menstrual period with horrible cramps for 200 days straight (Including men)? Or Eat 10 lbs of dog s**t everyday for 100 days?

Little Susie had gotten her first period. She told her mom and they bought pads. The next month, Susie's mom asked if she had her second one. Suzie said no and her mom fainted

Why are Alabamians so resentful of immigrants?

They don't want their sons and daughters to have sex with anyone other than their siblings or relatives.

My name is Gwen and I say rape jokes aren't funny. It's not funny for people to have sex with you without you agreeing also there getting old and NOT FUNNY! If anyone has something to say pls do. Comment if you agree or not. It's okay I want to hear what you say. Just tell if they are not funny. We will have a contest to see how many people comment on saying there good and funny or people saying there bad and terrible jokes and should not be made. May the best votes and comments win.

I asked my wife if I could use toys during sex last night. You should've seen her face when I rolled my Hot Wheels across her tits.

If you have a daughter, give it the same name as the mum; that way when you call for a beer you get two beers and when you call for sex you get two sex...


The top worst thing for an orphan, and probably the most awkward one, is when they're having sex and the other person is calling them mommy or daddy.

The FBI said open up. I shout them.

A person said cookie sale. I opened up. He fucked me