What did the man who had sex with an instagram model in the reverse cowgirl position while going 90 on the freeway get charged for?
Driving under the influencer.
What did the man who had sex with an instagram model in the reverse cowgirl position while going 90 on the freeway get charged for?
Driving under the influencer.
The QUEEN is JACK! KING off the JOKER! I Know What Your Thinking Pervert, Actually The Jokes About a Jester in Drag. OK I’m Joking, The Queen Cheated on the KIng with the Jester.
A man and a woman get married. The woman was Retired hooker. The man was a poet. The man said as they did 69, you taste better than my most delecious gormet meal. The woman said, well you aren’t too bad either. But the best 69 I’ve gotten and given was harry. He did it for 24 hours nonstop. They dot divorced that night.
How does the earth rate it's sex?
Earthquake, Caticlism, Volcano explosion Earth's core explodes.
If the earth's core explodes, then he got tore up!
A daughter asked her mother how to spell penis, her mom said you should have asked me last night it was at the tip of my tongue.