Stephen Hawking: one hp (Fortnite)
NASA stands for "Nobody Already Seen Astronauts."
I hope Stephen Hawking was an organ donor, 'cause I need some parts for my go-cart.
How do planets have a baby?
They have spasex.
If Finding Nemo was scientifically correct, Marlin would have changed into a female and mated with Nemo.
Yo, hairline goes farther back than the Big Bang theory!
The double slit experiment shows light particles are a wave that assemble in your presence. And you didn't even have to say a word!
Me testing if there is fall damage in real life (falls off of a cliff, uses water bucket trick) dies.
What’s the opposite of Stephen Hawking? Stephen walking.
I have a joke about chemistry, but I don't think it will get a reaction.
Many were curious about how methane ended up on Mars.
I'm pretty sure it was because of Uranus.
For being a big company, NASA is openly saying they want pictures of Uranus.
They say Jesus walked on water.
That's nothing. Stephen Hawking ran on batteries.
Teacher: What’s the closest planet?
Kids yell: Sun.
Except for one.
Other kid: Uranus.
Teacher: Uranus?
Other kid: Yeah, it’s right there.
Why does Wet have a big head? Because he got hit by a wetaroid!
I know why Stephen Hawking loves Transformers so much now.
Autobots, "Roll Out!"
What did Schrödinger say to Shakespeare?
"To be and not to be."
What did the computer say to the other computer? “Well, tech-ically we can’t talk.”
Why did the researchers want all the shore birds high on marijuana?
They wanted to leave no tern unstoned.