

If I like having sex and and get with 15 people are they getting sexified?

Why did the other down syndrome guy say to the other Down syndrome guy ?

What is going on here .

Breakfast 😂

Why are orphans bad at Yahtzee? Cause they don't know what a full house is :(

There were 3 blonde scientists...wait that’s not the joke. The first one said “we are going to pilot the first unmanned spacecraft to land on the sun.” The second one said “but we can’t do that - if we get within 5 feet of the sun we’ll freeze to death!” The third blonde says “so we go at night.”

Why did the blonde stare at the carton of orange juice? Because it said concentration camp

What did god say when he created the first black person? Behold, this specimen of divine integrity

How do you stop a school soother from killing you? Tell him you don’t believe in dog

I ask the orpahan why he was crying. He didn't really say anything. The I asked where are your parents? He cried more. I love working at the orphanige.

One day I went over to the woods to chill. Then I saw a about 23 year old man looking sad sitting under a tree. I then walked over to him and said: "Hello Sir. I'm Allisa, and I saw you looking sad are you ok?" Then he says "No. I'm not. My Wife dumped me for some quote un quote sexy dude. And now I'm left. Disgarded. Dumped." "Aww, sir I am so teribly sorry. Mind if I sit next to you?" He nodded. I put my head on the strangers shoulders (which I just realised his name was john) And hummed. "W..What are you doing?" He said chuckling. "This is how a girl would tell a man she loved him, even if she had just met him. Back then at least." I explained. He grinned and kissed my head. Then I stood up, and flopped down so i could be on his lap. I grabbed his shirt and kissed him for over a hour. Then he stood up and said. "WE NEED TO GET MARRIED!" Then he proposed and then next mouth we were married. (Disclaimer, don't just do that to random men you find in the woods. They might rape you, hurt you, or just plain ignore you.) Remember this is just a fun and heartwarming story, I am not trying to be weird or gross or stupid or whatever. This is just allllllllllllllllll for fun! Have a good day! Alex-

Hey Alya, Alex, Me, Tina, Shard, Danda, Panda, and Lina COME CHAT HERE FRIENDS!

To Drew the Devil-We NEED to talk RN. I'm very md at you and we needa talk.

Angry Alex-

To anyone who wants to be my friend-

Hello. Does anyone wanna be my friend? Please if ya' do reply to my: "Hello." In the chat tysm 'Have a greaat day! Alex <3