Dinosaurs are like my dad. I never got to see either of them, and they are now extinct.
Why can't dinosaurs clap? Because they're dead.
What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? A lick-a-lot-of-puss!
What dinosaur loves music?
The velociRAPtor!
What do you call a blind dinosaur? Do-you-think-he-saurus.
My uncle said he wants to be a dinosaur. I said why... he said so I could be extinct 😭😭
Why can’t dinosaurs clap?
Because they're dead.
What's the difference between a smart blonde and a dinosaur?
The dinosaur once existed.
Why don't dinosaurs lay eggs?
Because they're EGGstinct!
What do you call a sleeping dinosaur? A dinosnore!
Why can't dinosaurs clap?
'Cause they are dead.
Where is Rex the dinosaur? In the ground
What do you call a dinosaur that likes subtraction?
a galiminus.
What do you call a dinosaur with a cowboy hat and cowboy boots?
A Tyrannosaurus Tex.
What do you call dogs dressed as dinosaurs?
Jurassic Bark!
What do orphans and dinosaurs have in common?
Their parents are extinct.
Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Because chickens didn't exist then.
Why did the T-Rex 🦖 get a ticket?
He ran at a stomp light!
What did the dinosaur eat when the dentist fixed his tooth? -- The dentist!
What was the doctor's diagnoses on a dinosaur with a low sex drive? teraerectile dysfunction