Why do ducks have feathers?
To cover their butt-quack.
This page could use more "butt quack" jokes.
One day, a child walks along and asks, "Mother, why am I called Butterfly?"
The mother replies, "A butterfly landed on you as a baby."
A minute later, another child comes along and says, "Mother, why am I called Feather?"
The mother then replied, "Because a feather fell on your head when you were born."
Then Brick comes along and says, "Ahahhsdjsjskxs."
What bird doesn’t need a comb?
Bald eagles.
The worst thing about an owl is how they can maintain eye contact when you put them in a microwave.
What hits the ground first the feather or the emo?
The feather because the emo is hung in the tree
One day, a leaf asks Mom, "Mom, why am I named Leaf?"
Mom says, "Because when you were a baby, a leaf fell on your head."
The next day, Feather asks Mom, "Mommy, why am I named Feather?"
Mom says, "When you were a baby, a feather fell on your head."
The next day, Brick asks Mom, "Rhsisvrkanx!"
Mom says, "Shut up, Brick!"
Hellen Keller went to town riding a pony, stuck a feather in her hat, and called it an "Unnghhtpthhh!"
What do you get when you cross a cold wind with a feather?
A brrrrrrrr-d!
Which one fell first?
The depressed kid or the feather? Look at 1st comment to see answer.
Whats red, six inches long and made my girlfriend cry when i fed it to her? her misscarrage
What do you call the ghost of the Thanksgiving turkey? A Poultrygeist
What is the difference between a cow and a chicken?
It's white and it's brown.
How did the chicken 🐔 feel after escaping the fry cook?