
Bag Jokes

I killed 5 zombies and stabbed a vampire with a steak and then I started to wonder why they were carrying bags of candy.

I was studying in Turin and my professor told me I had to use PENS only. I looked in my bag for pens and they were GONE. I looked at the surveillance footage and saw that CRISTIANO PENALDO stole ALL MY PENS. I was fuming. Shame on you Penaldo!

Why can’t organs have a family bag of chips

Because They have no family to share it with

Look at a bag of black grapes. See how dark they are? That’s how I like my men.

25 at a time.


Why do elephants paint their toes red, blue, green, orange, Brown and yellow?

So they can hide in a bag of M&Ms

What's the difference between a dead baby and an orange? I don't keep a trash bag full of oranges in my basement.