Q: the person who makes it doesnt say what it is the person who receives it doesn't know what it is the person who knows what it is doesn't want it what am i? A: a baby
What's red allover and spins at 100mps
Baby in a blender
You were born on the highway, Thats where most accidents happen.
Knock knock! who's there? baby! baby who? do u want to eat this baby that i have prepared? no thanks i already ate.
I was trying to make homemade baby powder until I realized it isn't made from babies, oops wrong ingredient... smh
What do babies and explosives have in common?
They both make a noise when you throw them.
Me: Hi Jacob!
Jacob: Hi.
Me: Your parents went to jail for littering when you were born!
What did the mom say when her child came out?
"The head was so big!"
You can't call yourself a baby boomer if you have never detonated an infant.
How many babies does it take to paint a house? It depends how hard you throw them.
How do Asian parents name their baby?
They drop a pot down a flight of stairs.
A male unexploded landmine was in love with a female unexploded landmine, and he said to her...
"Hey, baby, we should bang sometime!"
My wife is pregnant, but when we get to the doctors, something happened...
What happened?
Answer: The husband is pregnant too, with someone else’s baby, not the wife’s baby, but the wife is pregnant with his baby.
How to make white ice cream red... blend a baby into it!
What do you call a parent that is pregnant?
Buy one get one free
A guy and his girl just finished making love.
Just as they lay next to each other, the girl asks, "Have you thought about any baby names?"
The guy then takes his condom off and ties it, and says, "Well, probably David Copperfield, if he gets out of this!"
You know why Santa's saying is "Ho Ho Ho?"
How else is he supposed to give boys and girls a baby brother or sister for Christmas?
A baby penguin sat on an iceberg. The baby penguin watched the Titanic sink.
"Rock-a-bye baby on the treetop, When the wind blows, the baby will drop. Then the baby will lay on the ground, Not moving a muscle, not making a sound."
What's cold, blue and makes women cry?
Cot death.