There’s so many protests. Every time I see my body my choice, I can’t tell if we’re protesting the masks or trying to kill babies
What do you call a baby potato 🥔?
Small Fry!
Yo Mama is so huge when she was born everyone died
whats the difference between a chocolate cake and a dead baby?
About 5000 calories
One day leaf asks mom, “mom, why am I named leaf?” Mom says “because when you were a baby a leaf fell on your head.” The next day feather asks mom “ mommy, why am I named feather?” Mom says “ when your were a baby a feather fell on your head.” The next day brick asks mom “rhsisvrkanx” mom says, shut up brick!
Oh baby, there's about to be 7 planets because I'm gonna destroy Uranus.
What's the difference between a skeleton and a baby? I don't set the skeleton on fire.
Why is baby shampoo the best anal lube?
No more tears.
Here's a list of puns, not all of them are mine.
1. Smaller babies may be delivered by stork, but the heavier ones need a crane.
2. Yesterday, I accidentally swallowed some food coloring. The doctor says I’m okay, but I feel like I’ve dyed a little inside.
3. My sister bet that I couldn’t build a car out of spaghetti. You should’ve seen her face when I drove pasta.
4. Getting the ability to fly would be so uplifting.
5. Two windmills are standing in a wind farm. One asks, “What’s your favorite kind of music?” The other says, “I’m a big metal fan.”
6. Why was the cookie sad? Because his mom was a wafer long!
7. Why didn’t the cat go to the vet? He was feline fine!
8. How do you make a good egg-roll? You push it down a hill!
9. That baseball player was such a bad sport. He stole third base and then just went home!
10. My parents said I can’t drink coffee anymore. Or else they’ll ground me!
Why did the baby cross the road????
Cause it was stapled to the chicken.
What milk orphan babies drink? Not their moms tho
If two eagles make a baby and two sparrows make a baby what makes no baby? Two Swallows
What’s the difference between dead babies and a cat? The cat is still alive. What’s the difference between cat food and tonight’s dinner? Nothing it’s all just mystery meat.
What's more fun than nailing a baby to the floor Ripping it off with a kick
if depression on crack fucked weed and 69 hours of not sleeping and had a baby with a huge amounts of autism that would be me
What's the difference between an apple and a dead baby? I don't jizz on a apple before eating it
What's red and bubbly and scratches at the microwave glass? A baby in the microwave
Love u baby :^
What’s the difference between cereal and a baby?
I personally think cereal is not nutritious
How do you get a baby out of a blender? With doritos