
Accident Jokes

I learned my dad got into a car crash this morning. And my driver’s license got revoked too.

I was riding a bike with no helmet I went and went with no helmet until.............I broke my head with no helmet on

I hate jokes about 9/11... every joke has the tendency to crash and burn.

"I didn't get the joke at first but then it hit me like a plane," the joke was so dark a cop almost shot it.

doctor: you need to eat healthy

me: no

doctor: the last patient who didn't change their diet after i suggested it died

me: oh my goodness

doctor: in a plane crash

me: that sounds unrelated

doctor: i'm the one that crashed it. do not disobey me

Even people who are good for nothing have the capacity to bring a smile to your face, like when you push them down the stairs.

Did you see that car crash today where the guy got the entire left side of his body cut off? He's all right now