
War Jokes

Great news for all star wars fans who can't wait until the next movie!!


They are making new versions of the Star Wars films. The names have only just come out. There is Star wars Attack of the Trannies, Star Wars The Trannie Awakens, Star Wars Rogue Trannie, Star Wars The LGBTQ Strikes Back and then there is Star Wars The Last Striaght Man.

How do you becomes with Nato. Promise no more world wars, by secretely peforming miltiary practises behind their back

People are fighting in a war and a man gets hit 4 times in the arm and says "Tis a Scratch" And the other guy looking at him in shock says "A Scratch, Your Arm is off you body"

Roses are red, Violets are blue, Hitler blew an 11 country lead, During World War 2.

“A foolish man is lactose intolerant, A wise man simply tolerates it” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Apex Legends: exist Titanfall fandom: (Literally on fire and at war with its self) "Everything is fine."