what’s dudeese

dudeese nuts fit in ya mouth lmao gottem
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a UN survey asked the following: Please, in your honest opinion, could you give your thoughts on the food shortages in the rest of the world?

It was a faliure because

South Americans don’t know the word “please”

Eastern Europeans don’t know the word “honest”

Middle Easterns don’t know the word “opinion”

Balkans don’t know the word “give”

Chinese don’t know the word “thoughts”

Africans don’t know the word “food”

Western Europeans don’t know the word “shortage”

and Americans don’t know the words “the rest of the world.”

Then they simply explained “just donate healthy food to the global south to help.” But that still didn’t sit right with everyone, because Israelis do not know the word “donate,” and Pacific Islanders do not know the words “healthy food.”

know the nuclear bombs of the world

🇷🇺🧨a “bad” bomb


🇬🇧🧨a “good” bomb

🇺🇸🧨 japanese area testing

🇮🇱🧨what bomb

🇮🇷🧨just self defence

Stop joking about Helen Keller so much! It’s rude, poor woman! You all just wait till she hears about this!

I went to the tattoo shop and asked for a skull. A jewish guy behind me said “a skull? Back in my day, we could only get numbers.”

What’s the difference between a Catholic and Rabbit? One has kids to protect from predators, and the other has kids to protect for predators.