
Place Jokes

My mom told me its not healthy to stay in my room all day....but the only places I’m allowed to go to are my room and downstairs.


*Loud explosion inside the tank*

"Where's the commander?" "He's gone." "Where has he gone?" "All over the place."


I just watched a documentary about Adolf Hitler.

He sure was a popular guy. Everywhere he went, people shouted “Hi Hitler” and gave him a little wave.

A young boy was picked up by a strange young man who put him in his car and drove into an abandoned farm “This place looks scary” they kid said And the man replies” I know right, I have to walk out of there alone”

Did you know that graveyards are the most popular place in the world?

Yeah, people are just DYING to get in there...

i don't get it. orphans are very religious, well mostly. statistics say that roughly 2/3 of the orphan population go to church i mean its the only place they can call someone "father"

Man walks into a bar and sees a bear serving drinks... Sits down looking astonished. The bear says “what’s the matter you never saw a bear serving drinks? “ The man says “it’s not that, I just never thought the moose would sell the place.”