SeaWorld Baptism



Explain Bear

Okay, you think you're slick, huh? I bet you have no idea that your joke is about someone's mom. And that person's mom is so incredibly large that they had to be baptized in a massive place usually meant for sea creatures, like whales and dolphins. The joke is a slam on that person's physique, got it now, genius?

Comments (12)

Damn did she get to swim with Shamu

Yo mama so fat she can’t even jump to a conclusion.

Yo mama so fat that when she goes camping the bears hide their food.

Yo mama so fat her blood type is Ragu.

Yo mama so fat that when she left the house she had high heels on and when she came back home she had flip flops on.

Yo mama so fat when she went up the escalator, it turned into a ramp.

Yo mama so fat when she gets in an elevator she has to go down.

Yo mama so fat that not even Dora can explore her.

Yo mama so fat when she wears high heels she strikes oil.

Yo mama so fat that if she was a Star Wars character her name would be Admiral Snackbar.

Yo mama so fat that when she walked past the TV I missed three episodes of Victorious.

Yo mama so fat that her car has stretch marks.