If I place a slide on the edge of a cliff or a really high building, would going down it be considered suislide?
Asking for a friend.
Lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place, but chuck Norris does.
Place a man in a morgue, he'll try to leave.
Place a doctor in a morgue, he'll go to work.
Place a necrophiliac in a morgue, he'll stay happy for a week.
'' What place can you always find suicidal cows at? ''
"Mc Donald's."
What do you call the place where an octopus is sitting?
What's a orphans favorite part in the wizard of oz?
When Dorothy says "there's no place like home".
What plae has more boys than the catholic church? Michael Jackson's bedroom
What do a convention of nerds and Kurt Cobain's garage have in common? There's brains all over the place