
Nothing Jokes

friend: “ whats that on your arm” me: “ oh nothing just decided i wanted to cosplay a tiger “

Joe Biden walks into the White House kitchen. "Are those brownies, I smell?", he asks. "Indeed, they are.", he was told. "Gee", he says, "they smell nothing like Girl Scouts."

Trump's medical records were just released. According to the brain scan, the left side of his brain has nothing right, while the right side has nothing left.


What’s the difference between a prostitute and a Twinkie?

Nothing. They both squirt their white stuff when you eat it.

I was in a haunted house today. Nothing scared me until I reached the last room where I saw the scariest Halloween ghost I've ever seen. He took my pens and ghosted. I was told that i saw pristiano penaldo and I was lucky enough to see him because he performs once in a blue moon

Q:There was two tampons walking down the road the other day guess what they said to each other

A:nothing cause they're both stuck up cunts