
Kill Jokes

I was reading the new and read that a kid killed his family and when they interviewed him he said he wanted to become Batman

Imagine if on April first the government says hahhaha you all fell for it covid19 is fake we actually killed all those people lol

. why cant depressed kids high five a tree? It will leave them hanging.. . why cant orphans play baseball, Because they cant find home! . a serial killer was at my house all killed all my family but me why, i was in the living room.. . what do sloths and depressed have in common, they both hang off trees.. . what is a group of depressed kids called, the suicide squad

You've probably heard this one before but screw it

What's the difference between jesus christ and the kid I just killed Jesus christ probably died a virign

When I was a kid I used to read a lot. I mainly grew up reading stories by Shakespeare, especially the story Romeo & Juliet. That one in particular taught me a valuable life lesson. It taught me to not be surprised when my girlfriend killed herself.

My ex-boyfriend threatened to kill me because I was suicidal. I wanted to tell him “well can we get what we both want?” “ I was already planning on dying anyway.”