When Bob the Builder looks at your hairline, he says, "We can't fix that."
Yo mama so fat, even Bob the Builder said, "We can't fix that!"
What is Donald Trump's favorite game?
Fortnite. Because he can build walls for free.
Q: Why did the two gate-builders start fighting?
A: Because they were fencing.
How do you make a builder cry?
Kill his family.
Want to hear a joke about construction? I'm still working on it
Bob the builder took one look at you and said “nah I can’t fix that”
Are you a builder, because you give me an erection.
I yo yo-yo yo-yo yo-yo, yo-yo yo-yo you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you ha Frick fuck gosh dang you’re so big that you can’t ride. This is Builder.
your cut so broke even bob the builder cant fix it
Whats an orphans dream job? A builder, to build themselves a home.
My builder was extending my basment when he questioned me because he found three ded kids n a corner tied together
Your hairline is so bent that Bob the builder couldn't fix it
Yo mama so fat, even Bob the builder said “we can’t fix that!”
you are so fat bob the builder sad i cant fix it LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1