I have a cow over at my house spending the night with me because she has been out in the streets homeless and poor, so my family forced it to come and live with me at my place.

The cow asks me, "Where do I keep all the dairy items like the milk, cheese, yogurt, and meat?" I tell her, "In the refrigerator! Where do you think I keep them, on the farm with all the rest of those cows?"

That night we had to share a room and sleep in the same damn bed. Then she started getting high and drank some cow wine with titty milk, and it made her shit all over the bed.

Guy : are you depression cause you're crippling me Car driver : no I'm the guy that hit you with his car and crippled you Guy : don't worry I was already crippled because I got crippling depression

whats the difference between dark humor and normal humor normal humor is ten babies and one trash can dark humor is one baby and ten trash can scroll down for explanation

ten babies in one trash can one baby in ten means that the baby was chopped up

So I went to a church and I ask a friend is the picture on the wail is Jesus and dose it have three nails or one nails Oh Wait that not Jesus he is not doing the T pose that he invited

I ask my sister why does the Chinese owner brings us free food all the time. My siister said to me I love him long time.

At night in the Nunnery, one Nun says to the other Nun "Wheres the candle?" the other Nun says "Doesn't it!".