Chuck Norris can gargle peanut butter.
Chuck Norris knows the last digit of pi.
Chuck Norris and Time had a race.
Result: Time is still running...
Chuck Norris has been to Mars... that's why there are no signs of life there.
Stephen Hawking once stood up to bow down to Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris once ran all the way around the equator and kicked himself in the back.
John Cena once insulted Chuck Norris. That's why we can't see him anymore.
Why does Michael Jackson like Doge Miner? He thinks it's about minors dressed in doge costumes.
What happens when Rick Astley is getting an erection whilst singing "Never Gonna Give You Up"?
You get PRICKrolled.
Chuck Norris doesn't zoom out; everything moves backwards.
Roses are red, your eyes are brown; never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down.
There is one rapist among us.
What’d the fox say when he was asked to describe his wife?
“Hottie hottie hottie hoe!”
Chuck Norris doesn't get sun burns. The sun knows better.
How is a child molester and Harambe the same? They both get shot for touching little kids.
Chuck Norris once stared a basilisk in the eye, and it DIED!
The Annoying Orange called Donald Trump a copycat.
Chuck Norris is so immortal, even he killed Death.
How many push-ups can Chuck Norris do?
All of them.
Chuck Norris can drown a fish.