Make sense of what I am saying, This is a LIE—and that's the TRUTH.
What am I?
Answer: a Riddle.
Make sense of what I am saying, This is a LIE—and that's the TRUTH.
What am I?
Answer: a Riddle.
Why do New Yorkers get what Spider-Man is saying?
Because he always makes spider-sense.
The sense or feeling you have dealt with this crap in the past.
whats the difference between a bear with a gun and an American Man with a gun?
The bear has common sense not to fire it
Straight people ask why gays have such a good fashion sense. Baby, we didn’t spend all that time in the closet for nothing.
Helen Keller picked up a cheese grater, it was the most violent story she'd ever read.
I don't like these Undertale jokes. They just don't make any sense.
What have the films the 6th sense and Titanic got in common?
Icy Dead people
My wife said I have no sense of direction.
I said, "Where did that come from?"
Why is Joe Biden afraid of getting COVID?
Because he'd lose his sense of smell.
I told a blind man to read more, so he grabbed my arm and read the whole dictionary.