What's the difference between Orphans and Apples? Apples get picked-
My friend showed me his broken finger and i said JESUS, he said his name is Jake
How does Michael Jackson pick his nose? Out of a catalogue đ
How many fingers am I holding up?
Said the suicide bomber, referring to the countdown.
Me: *looks at persons hand* This guy doesn't have fingers!
Random person with no fingers: Why do you have to point that out?
been getting alot of paper cuts on my fingers lately, i guess its a sign i should go lower
What's a lesbians favorite weapon? A fingers gun
I got in trouble at school today bc I played the knife game with a pair of scissors but I couldn't flip them off bc I was missing that finger.
Why was Helen Keller slurring her fingers? She was drunk.
what's the difference between a blonde and a bowling ball?
I can only fit 3 fingers inside the bowling ball