I got kicked out of a library today because I put a book about women's rights in the fantasy section.
What do you call a sneaky child molester?
What do you call terrorists in a wheelchair?
People have been telling me that you can get things for free now.
The other day I saw a sign saying "FREE PALESTINE."
Why do rapists and pedophiles never win a race?
Because they always like to come in a little behind.
Why do Jedis stay single?
Because they use "divorce" (the Force).
May divorce be with you!
two scientists walk into a bar, the first one says: " i'll have some H2O "
the second one says: " i'll have some H2O too " and then he died.
What is Johnny Depp's new legal name?
Johnny in debt.
It's important to wash your sex toys.
That's why priests invented baptism.
Why does Batman cover half of his face? To let the police know that he's white.
what is it called when an illegal immigrant is getting raped?
alien vs predator
in syria there are no walmarts, only targets
Your mom is so fat that when she went on the scale, it said, "I need your weight, not your phone number!"
Your mom is so fat that when God said, "Let there be light," he asked your mom to move out of the way.
You look nice, and you seem like good fun, so if I give you this flower, will you finger my bum?
Why do they call me a firefighter? Because I find them hot, and I leave them wet!
Why did the orphan go to church?
Because they need a father.
asians dont believe in santa because they make the toys
Society is like chess, it's always whites vs blacks.
No one cares if you bully an orphan. What are they gonna do? Tell their parents?