Hi, welcome to David’s sperm bank. You jack it, we pack it. How may I help you?
Hi how are you busy doing today did I have to text more today after dinner I did text and you have been to the vet and walk walk home from home and walk walk home 🏠 night is so nice 👍 I did not walk away but you don’t want me to text me to let you know when I get home can you walk
Hi how are you busy doing right I just text me and my dad was going out and walk home and walk walk home from school and walk home from home and walk home and walk walk home and I will get back with him tomorrow morning
A guy goes to Starbucks and asks, "Hey, if I can make you laugh, I don’t have to pay." The girl in the window says, "Okay." The guy says, "A little boy named Timmy lost his arms." The girl says, "Oh no!" The guy says, "And his dad left him when he was 4." The girl says, "Uhh yeah." The guy says, "Okay, I guess I’ll be paying then." The girl asks, "Okay, and what name will that be under?" The guy says, "Timmy, I’m Timmy."
An old lady walks into an adoption center, and the lady that runs the business says, "Oh, haven’t seen you in a long time!"
Hi how are you busy busy today and I have to
Hi how are you busy busy today and tomorrow I have to go home from home and walk home walk and a bike walk walk and a bike to school tomorrow night I have to have lunch with my mom and dad and I have dinner with you tonight
An old lady walks into an ice cream store. A clerk greets her and says, "What will it be today, ma'am? We have every flavor you can imagine." The old lady says, "Well, I guess I'd like a quart of chocolate ice cream." The clerk says, "Sorry, ma'am, we're out of chocolate today. Any other flavor we'll have." "Ok," she replies, "Why don't you just give me a pint of chocolate ice cream?" The clerk says a little louder in case she's hard of hearing, "Sorry, ma'am, but we're fresh out of chocolate ice cream." The old lady says, "Oh, ok. Why don't you just get me a cone with one scoop of chocolate ice cream?"
Finally, totally exasperated, the clerk says, "Wait a minute, lady. Can you spell 'Van' as in vanilla?" "Why of course, young man," she says, "V-A-N." "Right," the clerk says, "Can you spell 'Straw' as in strawberry?" "Well of course, 'Straw'," she replied. "Ok, then," he says, "Now spell 'Fuck' as in chocolate." She says, "There's no 'Fuck' in chocolate." He says, "That's what I've been trying to tell you... THERE'S NO FUCKING CHOCOLATE!!!"
Papa John's pizzeria and abortion clinic. You make 'em, we bake 'em.
I'm starting a clown shoe store.
It's no small feat! :oD
Roses are red Violets are blue If hes busy on Valentines day the side chick is you
I knew a guy who used to sell wrenches. He was all torque.
Why can't orphans work at S.C. Johnson?
Cause it's a family company.
I have a nun joke! It is nun uh ya business!!! Ha!!! Ha!!! Ha!!! Ha!!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
-Why did the Indian cross the road? -Because he opened a corner shop on the other side.
I've just started a new business making people breathe in large amounts of helium. They all speak very highly of it.
How are peppers 🌶 so nosey?
They get jalapeño business.
Badass Toilet Paper Company: We don't take shit off of anyone.
Sign outside a hair salon: "We'll color your hair or dye trying."
Q: Where does a one-legged waitress work?