
Violence Jokes

Mary's mother was a good person why did she die? -because she got stabbed in the heart 60 times by a switchblade


Studies have shown that in London, a person is stabbed 24 times a second. Poor bastard...

rape isn't a joke. it's a type of way of making friends, and to mate with other women. it's a way of art, and works on anybody! like this if you agree.

My gf told me she was pregnant. So I punched her in the stomach. She asked me why the hell did I did that. I told her I wanted to let her know I’m pro abortion.

When you decide to turn your high school into your personal shooting range but you don’t give any proper notice except for a bullet to the head...

What's the difference between a dog and a rapist? At least the rapist adds a bit of foreplay before he starts humping people.

A lady asked if I heard about the mass shooting in Ohio. I said yes my friend died there. She said I’m so sorry. I said yeah I tried telling him the police had good aim. Worse than that he just found out his sister was cheating on him.

A man was hitting a woman with his d*ck. Someone ran up to the man and said “THATS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” the man replied with “no, it’s not domestic violence it’s DUMBASS-D*CK VIOLENCE”