Rapist Jokes

You find yourself stuck in a hole with a murderer, a rapist, and a lawyer. You're armed, but you only have 2 bullets left. What do you do?

Shoot the lawyer. Twice.

What did the rapist say to his victim. Go ahead call the police we will see who comes first.


A rapist walks into a school and asks if they had 5 year olds in the school and the teacher replies "are you that same person who took Jimmy?" the man replies "yes" and the teacher says "Take susie too she's being a little bitch."


Why is it so hard to choose between buying a Subaru or a Volvo? Because you’re deciding whether you want to look like a rapist or a pedophile.

The police department made a new machine that will teleport you back to prison if you commit a crime. The police release 4 criminals. I hacker, a rapist, a serial killer and a drug lord. The hacker tries to hack a bank. The hacker gets teleported back to prison. The drug lord tries to cook meth. The drug lord gets teleported back to prison. Now the serial decides that she want’s to change, but when she see a knife she just can’t help it. He bends down to pick up the knife and the rapist get teleported back to prison

what did the woman do after meeting up with a rapist?

sue the dating site for matching her with him

If a woman gets raped, just walk away, don't bother. Cheer on the rapist if you want.

They believe they are equal to men right? So they are able to fight back right? Then prove it! My EQUALITEHHHHHHHH

Not totally a joke but... What do all these rape joke naysayers have in common with rapists?

They are also forcing themselves on others.

why do rapists and pedophiles never win a race

because they always like to come in a little behind