The Dictionary Incident

One day, I came home from school and said to my dad, "I got expelled from school today." He said, "How?" I said, "I threw my book at the teacher." He asked, "Why?" I told him, "We were doing an anti-bullying program, and my teacher said words can't hurt me, so I threw my dictionary at her."




The joke plays on the literal interpretation of 'words can't hurt me'. The kid took this statement too literally and used a book (filled with words) as a weapon to prove that words, in fact, can hurt if used physically. This is a pun because it twists the idiom.

Comments (11)

Wow, that's hilarious get a reward, like ice cream

The link doesn't work

You have to copy the link and paste it 🙄

hey umm so if she said words dont hurt her then what would happen if she got paper cuts?also good joke!

no hates tho i have seen tht joke somewhere else

words don't hurt, says the one who was hit and hurt by a book of a thousand words.