
Use Jokes

bro my friend is always using zodiacs as an excuse. The other day he said he couldnt hang out with me because of cancer. I told him to fuck off. Then I realized why he was mad after that...

Not to brag, but I defeated our local chess champion in less than five moves. Finally my high school karate lessons came to some use.

I have a better method of abortion than currently used. It's like a regular one, except you can get free food out of it...we're about to give baby-back ribs a whole new meaning.

Jack and Jill went up the hill so they could fuck in the water. But Jack forgot to use protection and now they have a daughter.

What do eggs use in war? Eggk47s get my yolk this is really cracking me up! They’d probably get shellshocked wasn’t it all eggcelent Ok Ok I’m headed for the egg it. Why did the new egg fell so good? It just got laid.

Jesus and Moses come back to earth. Moses says, let's go down to the ocean and see if I can do what I used to when I was here before. So Moses raises his arms and motions to part the waters. Sure enough, he is able to part the waters just as before. Jesus quips, close the water, I'm going to try to do what I used to when I was here last. So Jesus walks out on top of the water, then sinks to the bottom. He crawls out pulling seaweed off of him, Moses says, hey it's not your fault, you didn't have those holes in your feet before.

I remember u. U used to be an ash I would live to roast u more, but my mom said to not burn trash