Who eats sleeping? A robot.
Stephen Hawking isn't actually dead. He is just having an update.
Q. What is the biggest lie in the entire universe?
A. “I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions.”
If you want any pictures of cheese for your laptop, I've got enough to Philadelphia.
Stephen Hawking died because he was too far away from the Wi-Fi router.
Did you know the Bible has a passage about killing babies by smashing them against rocks?
That's probably because microwaves hadn't been invented yet.
What STD can you get from phone sex?
Hearing AIDS.
Of all the inventions of the last 100 years, the dry erase board has to be the most remarkable
It's obvious Bill Gates didn't create COVID.
None of his other products are able to release new versions this frequently.
why shouldnt orphans get a phone?
they would get stuck in a app because they cant find the home button
What is Bill Gates’ favorite equation?
1 + 1 =
I have so many cash machine jokes.
But none of them seem to work ATM.
TDS - Too Damn Slow!
I searched on Google, "How to start a wildfire?"
I got 39,300,000 matches.
Why is the iPhone X best for orphans?
There is no home button.
Cyber Monday
Very funny battery joke.
A guy entered a library and wanted to get some books to read. He was searching across the books, and the librarian asked him,
Librarian: What are you looking for?
Man: I am looking for a book!
Librarian: Which book?
Man: Facebook.
Can you tell me the real answer to this joke?
What do you call a drone that takes the long way around?