Stephen Hawking isn't really dead, he's just rebooting.
Poor Stephen Hawking couldn't pass the "I'm not a robot" test.
Is Google male or female? Female, because it doesn't let you finish a sentence before making a suggestion.
What do you call a blonde who dyes her hair?
Artificial Intelligence.
Google is a woman because it doesn’t let you finish a sentence before it makes suggestions.
Don't worry, Stephen Hawking isn't dead.
They have just got to copy and paste his memory onto a USB.
Carrie Underwood and ChatGPT are not the same. ChatGPT is able to create a soul.
What's the difference between Carrie Underwood and a robot?
A robot can feign empathy.
Why did Stephen Hawking's wife get annoyed with him?
He had an affair with Alexa.
What happens when a computer thinks it knows better than a human?
Ask Boeing.
How is Stephen Hawking so smart? He uploads it to his software.
What’s Stephan Hawking's favorite dance move?
The robot.
Yo mama is so ugly that when she went through a face ID, it didn't think she was human.
What noise did Steven Hawking make when he died?
Windows shutting down.
What do you call Stephen Hawking's wife? Siri.
What did Google Translate say to Siri?
"Why are you so Siri-ous?"
What did Stephen hawkings computer say when he died ?? .... ERROR
Stephen Hawking didn't die, he just uploaded himself to the 'net...
Why does a robot malfunction when they get sad?
Because they have a break down.
What do you call a bored robot?
A “sigh”-borg.