My whife caught me one day for watching a porn channel so i quickly turned the tv to a fishing channel. On her way out she said: 'You should stay on the porn channel. You know how to fish!'
I have 206 bones in my body but when I look at you I have 207
Why is Santa always so happy? Because he knows where all the naughty girls live.
I don’t know what’s worse: Finding bucket loads of porn on my dad’s laptop, or finding out he was in all of them
Whats the difference between a mosquito and a pornstar?? One stops sucking when u smack it
I almost got caught watching porn.My mom got the bill for the account but luckily dad had my back.I mean we do use the same account
Why do midgets laugh when they run?
Because the grass tickles their balls.
my new girl friend is a porn star she would probably kill me if she found out
Leave a like if your like sex and porn.and talk to me if any question
What do you call a porn star that always goes back for more?
Craven Morehed.
Why does Santa Claus have such a big sack? He only comes once a year.
Boss: You're fired. Me: *pauses porn* Why?
Why is it so difficult to watch hentai?
They moan louder than your speakers.
What’s the last thing Tickle Me Elmo receives before leaving the factory? Two test tickles.