I tried to dress hot so my boyfriend would cast some attention upon me but it just made him sweat.

I was at my drumming lesson and I accidentally dropped my drum stick when my sister made a terrible joke. KA-DOOM-CHA

I was running away from expired grocery items with my friend, when i got out i noticed he was left for bread, i felt so guilty, he was toast. I'm not loafing this

My mom told me she couldnt open the garage door. then it opened up to me that is wasnt broke anymore

I'm supposed to put a joke here. But I can't find a mirror...can you find one yourself? Im sure you'll laugh.

I made a bet with my friend that I couldn’t create a working car with spaghetti. You should have seen her fave when I drove pasta😂😂

A man walks into a bar and sees a piece of steak on the ceiling. The cashier says "If you can grab it, your meal's free.". The man then said "Nah, the stakes are too high.".

I once was sitting outside and watched the birds go by, I checked my watch and said, "My how time is FLYING by."