I was a sit-down comedian, then I tried to stand up. I fell.
I wished I stayed in the wheelchair.
So, a guy is walking with a young boy into the woods.
Boy: "Hey mister, it's getting dark out and I'm scared!"
Man: "How do you think I feel? I have to walk back alone!"
I have many jokes about unemployed people, sadly none of them work.
My friend: "Ess, stop with the self-harm jokes it's not funny."
Me: "C'mon it's not that deep."
Mickey and Minnie are getting a divorce. The divorce lawyer says to Mickey: "Mickey, you can't divorce Minnie because she is crazy," to which Mickey responds: "I'm not divorcing her because she's crazy, I'm divorcing her because she's f**king Goofy."
Any joke can be funny with the right delivery. Except abortion jokes, because there is no delivery.
What's the difference between dark humor and morbid humor? Dark humor would be saying, "ten babies in one trashcan." Morbid humor would be saying, "one baby in ten trashcans."
How to fall down stairs.
Step 1. Step 2. Step 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.