Why shouldn't you tell a secret in a corn field? Because they are full of ears! Now that was a corny joke. And yes, it was rather a-maize-ing
How much does a pirate pay for corn?
A buccaneer!
wanna hear a joke about corn
Nevermind it's too corny
I guess that corn is a-maize-ing
i was going to write a corny joke, but those are a bit to EAR-itating
why could'nt the man get out of the maize maze?
he got corn-ered
A scarecrow said this job isn't for everyone. But HAY! its in my jeans
A Vampire Stalks you into a field of corn, The stakes have never been higher...
Why can't you tell a joke in a corn maze
because theres too many ears
What happened when the corn got scolded? He got an earful!
What did the baby corn say to the mama corn? Where's popcorn?
Corn and corn WHERE IS POPCORN!?!?!
Finish the lyrics in the comments-
iTs CoRn
A cow was standing in a corn field. The chicken walked by and said annoyingly, "what do I see here? Corn beef!?"
What happens when you see corn looking at you in your window? A corn stalk!!
I'd make a joke about corn, but its to corny. Then again, i could make a joke about eyes, but that would be even cornea. my funny bone is broken, i guess it was because those jokes where to HUMERUS.
4 cows went to the county fair. They saw a sign that said that next year animals can enter a singing contest. They decided that they would enter next year. So they called their group the 4 Cs Quartet since their names were Clementine, Candy, Cookie, and Columbine. They discovered how they could win. After a discussion they decided to eat as much corn as possible, so they would sing in perfect 4 part hominy.
I just stepped on a corn flake. Im officially a cearel killer.